Cruise: 35MF20040103 (dataset:CARINA) Data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Synonyms (including errata!) for this cruise: OISO 11; 35MF20040103; OISO-11
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35MF20040103 - 2008-06-17 14:28:38 - version: 0Posted on 2008-06-17 14:28:38 - last updated on 2008-06-17 14:28:38 as version number 0
1/22/08 this file initialized
Data from C. LoMonaco 1/8/08
Cruise dates: 1/3-2/9/2004
Chief Scientist: N. Metzl
Ship and cruise designation:Marion-Dufresne; OISO-8
EXPOCODE: 35MF20040103
Region: OISO area SE of South Africa
15 stations; with 24 place Rosette
Hydro: Who - N.Metzl; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
Notes: both CTD and bottle salts
Nuts/O2: Who - N.Metzl; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
Notes: both ctd and bottle oxygen
TCO2: Who - C. Lo Monaco; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
Notes: CRM batch #52, 58, 62
TA: Who - C. Lo Monaco; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
Notes: CRM batch #52, 58, 62
fCO2: Who - ; Status - ; S Plus -
pH25: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus -
CFC: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus -
C-14: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus -
C-13: Who - ; Status - collected; S Plus -
H-3/He-3: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus -
Other: O18 - collected, file has ChlorophylA and Fluorescence (volts)
View comment(s) (filtered by salinity in subject)
Autogenerated CTD salinity and CTD oxygen update
Automated update! This overwrites adjustment values (and flags) of CTDoxy and
CTDsal with the values from BOTsal and BOToxy for every cruise, unless CTDsal
(or CTDoxy) is not present or bad.
Salinity action ID:6; CTD salinity data good, setting CTD salinity offset and QC
flag to bottle values.
Oxygen action ID:5; CTD oxygen data good, setting CTD oxygen offset and QC flag
to bottle values.
Posted by on 2015-02-19 09:22:19 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103/salinity: update slope+intercept
autogenerated: BOTsal is compatible with CALIBRATED CTDsal
Posted by on 2014-12-18 16:52:45 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103 - salinity
Manually set CTDsal calibration for this cruise, to avoid CTDsal data being
Posted by on 2014-12-15 21:13:24 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - salinity
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2 Adjustment IND and PAC_SvH_20140611.xlsx): : maintain
Posted by on 2014-06-16 15:50:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103/salinity: init slope+intercept
autogenerated: using BOTsal because bad fit of CTDsal
Posted by on 2014-02-25 17:02:15 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103 - salinity
OISO11: two deep profiles (at 35°S and 56°S) + 4 profiles down to 2000m
6 cross overs were analyzed (all found at 56°S). The average of all cross overs
is +26.9 (+/-5.3) ppm.
4 cross overs show offsets ranging from +23 to +28 ppm and involve cruises that
are thought to have no significant offset in salinity. When the offsets
suggested for the other cruises are taken into account the average of all cross
overs is +27.0 (+/-2) ppm. This suggests that an adjustment could be required.
The other cross overs with cruises 74DI19940219, GEOSECS_INDIAN, INDIGO1 and
INDIGO3 (found around 30°S and 56°S) indicate a mean offset of +22.3 (+/-2.6)
ppm. This suggests that an adjustment could be required.
The comparison among OISO cruises and the comparison with other cruises agree,
but slightly different numbers are suggested: -27 ppm and -22 ppm respectively.
The latter result is preferred in order to warrant consistency between OISO and
the other cruises. Moreover, it is based on cross overs found north and south of
the Polar Front, whereas the analysis with other OISO cruises only compares
profiles south of the Polar Front (56°S).
Based on this I suggest an adjustment of -22 ppm for salinity.
Paris, August 2008
Claire Lo Monaco
Posted by on 2008-10-08 23:58:15 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
View comment(s) (filtered by ctd_salinity in subject)
Autogenerated CTD salinity and CTD oxygen update
Automated update! This overwrites adjustment values (and flags) of CTDoxy and
CTDsal with the values from BOTsal and BOToxy for every cruise, unless CTDsal
(or CTDoxy) is not present or bad.
Salinity action ID:6; CTD salinity data good, setting CTD salinity offset and QC
flag to bottle values.
Oxygen action ID:5; CTD oxygen data good, setting CTD oxygen offset and QC flag
to bottle values.
Posted by on 2015-02-19 09:22:19 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
View comment(s) (filtered by tco2 in subject)
Autogenerated comment - tCO2
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2 Adjustment IND and PAC_SvH_20140611.xlsx): : maintain
Posted by on 2014-06-16 15:50:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103 - tco2
OISO11: two deep profiles (at 35°S and 56°S) + 4 profiles down to 2000m
6 cross overs were analyzed (all found at 56°S). The average of all cross overs
is -1.0 (+/-3.5) umol/kg.
All cross overs but 1 show no significant differences (<4 umol/kg), and 4 of
them involve cruises that are thought to have no offset in TCO2. When the
offsets suggested for the other cruises are taken into account the average of
all cross overs is -2.4 (+/-1.7) umol/kg. This suggests that no adjustment would
be required.
The cross overs with cruises GEOSECS_INDIAN, INDIGO1 and INDIGO3 (found around
30°S and 56°S) show offsets ranging from -9.1 to -28.9 umol/kg, but all 3
cruises are known to have high TCO2 values. When the suggested offsets are taken
into account the average of the 3 cross overs is -4.6 (+/-1.2) umol/kg. This
suggests that a small adjustment could be required.
Comparison with the other OISO cruises suggests that no adjustment would be
required, whereas the comparison with historical cruises suggests that a small
adjustment could be required (about +4 umol/kg). However, lowest confidence is
given to latter result, due to the time interval between historical cruises and
Based on this I suggest no adjustment for TCO2.
Paris, August 2008
Claire Lo Monaco
Posted by on 2008-10-08 23:58:44 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
View comment(s) (filtered by alkalinity in subject)
Autogenerated comment - alkalinity
Automated update setting data quality flag from BAD to GOOD in order to retain
these non-QCed data in final product. SvH/GLODAPv2 / 2015-01-19)
Posted by on 2015-01-20 14:46:42 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - alkalinity
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2 Adjustment IND and PAC_SvH_20140611.xlsx): : set to -888
Posted by on 2014-06-16 15:50:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103 - alkalinity
OISO11: two deep profiles (at 35°S and 56°S) + 4 profiles down to 2000m
5 cross overs were analyzed (all found at 56°S). The average of all cross overs
is -3.2 (+/-3.5) umol/kg.
All cross overs show no significant differences (<5 umol/kg) and involve cruises
that are thought to have no offset in alkalinity. This suggests that no
adjustment would be required.
Note that the large scatter around the mean is probably due to natural
variability. And indeed, if a decrease in alkalinity of 1 umol/kg/yr is assumed
(as suggested in this study) the scatter and the mean are reduced (+0.7 +/-2.2
The cross overs with cruises GEOSECS_INDIAN (30°S) shows an offset of -13 (+/-4)
umol/kg, which is not coherent with the previous results.
The cross overs with cruises INDIGO1 (30°S) and INDIGO3 (56°S) show differences
of -16 (+/-4) umol/kg and -17 (+/-4) umol/kg, respectively, but INDIGO1 is known
to have high alkalinity values by about 16 umol/kg and INDIGO3 would have no
offset but alkalinity might have decreased by about 17 umol/kg. If this is taken
into account the offsets with INDIGO cruises translate into no significant
differences, which supports the analysis above.
Based on the regional analyses above I suggest no adjustment for alkalinity.
Paris, August 2008
Claire Lo Monaco
Posted by on 2008-10-08 23:59:18 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
View comment(s) (filtered by ph in subject)
Autogenerated comment - phosphate
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2 Adjustment IND and PAC_SvH_20140611.xlsx): : maintain
Posted by on 2014-06-16 15:50:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
View comment(s) (filtered by nitrate in subject)
Autogenerated comment - nitrate
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2 Adjustment IND and PAC_SvH_20140611.xlsx): : Maintain. The inversion
result comes from the only deep station, which is offset high. All shallower
data seem to be fine(-ish)...
Posted by on 2014-06-16 15:50:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103 - nitrate
OISO11: two deep profiles (at 35°S and 56°S) + 4 profiles down to 2000m
6 cross overs were analyzed (all found at 56°S). The average of all cross overs
is 1.129 (+/-0.039).
All cross overs show significant differences (>2%). Only one of them involves a
cruise that is thought to have no offset in nitrate and appears reliable (1.134
+/-0.008 with 35MF20010103). When the natural changes in nitrate suggested for
the other cruises are taken into account, the average of all cross overs is
1.132 (+/-0.006). This suggests that an adjustment could be required, but it is
not warranted since Antarctic deep waters are entitled to natural variability,
which could play a role in the observed differences (all cross overs are found
at 56°S).
The cross overs with cruises GEOSECS_INDIAN (30°S) and INDIGO1 (30°S) show no
significant differences (<2%), while the cross over with the cruise 74DI19940219
(30°S) shows a small offset (1.025 +/-0.008). This is different from the
analysis above at 56°S, which support the idea that natural variability would
also play a role in the observed differences.
The cross overs with the cruise INDIGO3 found at 56°S show a ratio of 1.174
(+/-0.030), but INDIGO3 is thought to have low nitrate values. When the
suggested offset is taken into account as well as the suggested natural
variability, it translates into an offset of 1.134, which supports the analysis
The different results obtained at 30°S and 56°S are probably due to natural
changes that would have operate in Antarctic deep waters as suggested by the
analysis of other parameters.
Based on this I suggest no adjustment for nitrate.
Paris, August 2008
Claire Lo Monaco
Posted by on 2008-10-21 14:27:33 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
View comment(s) (filtered by phosphate in subject)
Autogenerated comment - phosphate
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2 Adjustment IND and PAC_SvH_20140611.xlsx): : maintain
Posted by on 2014-06-16 15:50:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
View comment(s) (filtered by silicate in subject)
Autogenerated comment - silicate
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2 Adjustment IND and PAC_SvH_20140611.xlsx): : maintain. I cannot solve
these 35MF cruises for Silicate, and by this stage will happily just accept
anything Clair suggested for them.
Posted by on 2014-06-16 15:50:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103 - silicate
OISO11: two deep profiles (at 35°S and 56°S) + 4 profiles down to 2000m
6 cross overs were analyzed (all found at 56°S). The average of all cross overs
is 1.076 (+/-0.040).
1 reliable cross over which involves a cruise that is thought to have no offset
in silicate suggests an offset of 1.055 (+/-0.011). When the offsets suggested
for the other cruises as well as the suggested natural variability are taken
into account the average of all cross overs is 1.054 (+/-0.002). This suggests
that an adjustment of 0.95 could be required.
The cross overs with cruises INDIGO1 (30°S) and 74DI19940219 (30°S) show ratios
of 1.068 (+/-0.015) and 1.078 (+/-0.014), which is in good agreement with the
analysis above (given that cruises INDIGO1 and 74DI19940219 are thought to have
slightly low silicate).
The cross over with the cruise INDIGO3 (56°S) shows a ratio of 0.986 (+/-0.015),
but INDIGO3 is thought to have high silicate values. When the suggested offset
is taken into account as well as the suggested natural variability, a good
agreement is found with the OISO analysis above (1.06).
All cross overs found at 30°S and 56°S agree to suggest an offset around 1.05.
Based on this I suggest an adjustment of 0.95 for silicate.
Paris, August 2008
Claire Lo Monaco
Posted by on 2008-10-21 14:28:11 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
View comment(s) (filtered by oxygen in subject)
Autogenerated CTD salinity and CTD oxygen update
Automated update! This overwrites adjustment values (and flags) of CTDoxy and
CTDsal with the values from BOTsal and BOToxy for every cruise, unless CTDsal
(or CTDoxy) is not present or bad.
Salinity action ID:6; CTD salinity data good, setting CTD salinity offset and QC
flag to bottle values.
Oxygen action ID:5; CTD oxygen data good, setting CTD oxygen offset and QC flag
to bottle values.
Posted by on 2015-02-19 09:22:19 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103/oxygen: update slope+intercept
autogenerated: BOToxy is compatible with unchanged CTDoxy
Posted by on 2014-12-18 16:52:45 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - oxygen
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2 Adjustment IND and PAC_SvH_20140611.xlsx): : maintain
Posted by on 2014-06-16 15:50:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103/oxygen: init slope+intercept
autogenerated: using BOToxy because bad fit of CTDoxy.
Posted by on 2014-02-25 17:02:15 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103 - oxygen
OISO11: only one deep profiles (at 56°S).
6 cross overs were analyzed (all found at 56°S). The average of all cross overs
is 0.997 (+/-0.028).
Only 1 cross over shows no significant differences (<1%) and involve a cruise
that is thought to have no offset in oxygen, whereas 3 other cross overs also
involving cruises that are thought to have no offset in oxygen show a ratio
around 0.99. When the offsets suggested for the other cruises are taken into
account the average of all cross overs is 0.988 (+/-0.005). This suggests that
an adjustment of 1.01 could be required.
The cross over with the cruise INDIGO3 shows a ratio of 0.999 (+/-0.005), which
disagree with the analysis above. However, very few measurements are compared
here. The analysis of CTD oxygen profiles at 30°S and 56°S supports the
adjustment suggested above.
Based on the regional analyses above I suggest an adjustment of 1.01 for oxygen.
Paris, August 2008
Claire Lo Monaco
Posted by on 2008-10-21 14:28:55 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
View comment(s) (filtered by ctd_oxygen in subject)
Autogenerated CTD salinity and CTD oxygen update
Automated update! This overwrites adjustment values (and flags) of CTDoxy and
CTDsal with the values from BOTsal and BOToxy for every cruise, unless CTDsal
(or CTDoxy) is not present or bad.
Salinity action ID:6; CTD salinity data good, setting CTD salinity offset and QC
flag to bottle values.
Oxygen action ID:5; CTD oxygen data good, setting CTD oxygen offset and QC flag
to bottle values.
Posted by on 2015-02-19 09:22:19 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
View 20 comment(s) (Lists all comments)
Autogenerated CTD salinity and CTD oxygen update
Automated update! This overwrites adjustment values (and flags) of CTDoxy and
CTDsal with the values from BOTsal and BOToxy for every cruise, unless CTDsal
(or CTDoxy) is not present or bad.
Salinity action ID:6; CTD salinity data good, setting CTD salinity offset and QC
flag to bottle values.
Oxygen action ID:5; CTD oxygen data good, setting CTD oxygen offset and QC flag
to bottle values.
Posted by on 2015-02-19 09:22:19 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - alkalinity
Automated update setting data quality flag from BAD to GOOD in order to retain
these non-QCed data in final product. SvH/GLODAPv2 / 2015-01-19)
Posted by on 2015-01-20 14:46:42 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103/oxygen: update slope+intercept
autogenerated: BOToxy is compatible with unchanged CTDoxy
Posted by on 2014-12-18 16:52:45 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103/salinity: update slope+intercept
autogenerated: BOTsal is compatible with CALIBRATED CTDsal
Posted by on 2014-12-18 16:52:45 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103 - salinity
Manually set CTDsal calibration for this cruise, to avoid CTDsal data being
Posted by on 2014-12-15 21:13:24 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - oxygen
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2 Adjustment IND and PAC_SvH_20140611.xlsx): : maintain
Posted by on 2014-06-16 15:50:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - silicate
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2 Adjustment IND and PAC_SvH_20140611.xlsx): : maintain. I cannot solve
these 35MF cruises for Silicate, and by this stage will happily just accept
anything Clair suggested for them.
Posted by on 2014-06-16 15:50:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - phosphate
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2 Adjustment IND and PAC_SvH_20140611.xlsx): : maintain
Posted by on 2014-06-16 15:50:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - nitrate
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2 Adjustment IND and PAC_SvH_20140611.xlsx): : Maintain. The inversion
result comes from the only deep station, which is offset high. All shallower
data seem to be fine(-ish)...
Posted by on 2014-06-16 15:50:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - alkalinity
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2 Adjustment IND and PAC_SvH_20140611.xlsx): : set to -888
Posted by on 2014-06-16 15:50:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - tCO2
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2 Adjustment IND and PAC_SvH_20140611.xlsx): : maintain
Posted by on 2014-06-16 15:50:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
Autogenerated comment - salinity
Auto-uploaded comment from GLODAPv2 assessment by Steven van Heuven (src:
GLODAPv2 Adjustment IND and PAC_SvH_20140611.xlsx): : maintain
Posted by on 2014-06-16 15:50:37 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103/oxygen: init slope+intercept
autogenerated: using BOToxy because bad fit of CTDoxy.
Posted by on 2014-02-25 17:02:15 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103/salinity: init slope+intercept
autogenerated: using BOTsal because bad fit of CTDsal
Posted by on 2014-02-25 17:02:15 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103 - oxygen
OISO11: only one deep profiles (at 56°S).
6 cross overs were analyzed (all found at 56°S). The average of all cross overs
is 0.997 (+/-0.028).
Only 1 cross over shows no significant differences (<1%) and involve a cruise
that is thought to have no offset in oxygen, whereas 3 other cross overs also
involving cruises that are thought to have no offset in oxygen show a ratio
around 0.99. When the offsets suggested for the other cruises are taken into
account the average of all cross overs is 0.988 (+/-0.005). This suggests that
an adjustment of 1.01 could be required.
The cross over with the cruise INDIGO3 shows a ratio of 0.999 (+/-0.005), which
disagree with the analysis above. However, very few measurements are compared
here. The analysis of CTD oxygen profiles at 30°S and 56°S supports the
adjustment suggested above.
Based on the regional analyses above I suggest an adjustment of 1.01 for oxygen.
Paris, August 2008
Claire Lo Monaco
Posted by on 2008-10-21 14:28:55 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103 - silicate
OISO11: two deep profiles (at 35°S and 56°S) + 4 profiles down to 2000m
6 cross overs were analyzed (all found at 56°S). The average of all cross overs
is 1.076 (+/-0.040).
1 reliable cross over which involves a cruise that is thought to have no offset
in silicate suggests an offset of 1.055 (+/-0.011). When the offsets suggested
for the other cruises as well as the suggested natural variability are taken
into account the average of all cross overs is 1.054 (+/-0.002). This suggests
that an adjustment of 0.95 could be required.
The cross overs with cruises INDIGO1 (30°S) and 74DI19940219 (30°S) show ratios
of 1.068 (+/-0.015) and 1.078 (+/-0.014), which is in good agreement with the
analysis above (given that cruises INDIGO1 and 74DI19940219 are thought to have
slightly low silicate).
The cross over with the cruise INDIGO3 (56°S) shows a ratio of 0.986 (+/-0.015),
but INDIGO3 is thought to have high silicate values. When the suggested offset
is taken into account as well as the suggested natural variability, a good
agreement is found with the OISO analysis above (1.06).
All cross overs found at 30°S and 56°S agree to suggest an offset around 1.05.
Based on this I suggest an adjustment of 0.95 for silicate.
Paris, August 2008
Claire Lo Monaco
Posted by on 2008-10-21 14:28:11 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103 - nitrate
OISO11: two deep profiles (at 35°S and 56°S) + 4 profiles down to 2000m
6 cross overs were analyzed (all found at 56°S). The average of all cross overs
is 1.129 (+/-0.039).
All cross overs show significant differences (>2%). Only one of them involves a
cruise that is thought to have no offset in nitrate and appears reliable (1.134
+/-0.008 with 35MF20010103). When the natural changes in nitrate suggested for
the other cruises are taken into account, the average of all cross overs is
1.132 (+/-0.006). This suggests that an adjustment could be required, but it is
not warranted since Antarctic deep waters are entitled to natural variability,
which could play a role in the observed differences (all cross overs are found
at 56°S).
The cross overs with cruises GEOSECS_INDIAN (30°S) and INDIGO1 (30°S) show no
significant differences (<2%), while the cross over with the cruise 74DI19940219
(30°S) shows a small offset (1.025 +/-0.008). This is different from the
analysis above at 56°S, which support the idea that natural variability would
also play a role in the observed differences.
The cross overs with the cruise INDIGO3 found at 56°S show a ratio of 1.174
(+/-0.030), but INDIGO3 is thought to have low nitrate values. When the
suggested offset is taken into account as well as the suggested natural
variability, it translates into an offset of 1.134, which supports the analysis
The different results obtained at 30°S and 56°S are probably due to natural
changes that would have operate in Antarctic deep waters as suggested by the
analysis of other parameters.
Based on this I suggest no adjustment for nitrate.
Paris, August 2008
Claire Lo Monaco
Posted by on 2008-10-21 14:27:33 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103 - alkalinity
OISO11: two deep profiles (at 35°S and 56°S) + 4 profiles down to 2000m
5 cross overs were analyzed (all found at 56°S). The average of all cross overs
is -3.2 (+/-3.5) umol/kg.
All cross overs show no significant differences (<5 umol/kg) and involve cruises
that are thought to have no offset in alkalinity. This suggests that no
adjustment would be required.
Note that the large scatter around the mean is probably due to natural
variability. And indeed, if a decrease in alkalinity of 1 umol/kg/yr is assumed
(as suggested in this study) the scatter and the mean are reduced (+0.7 +/-2.2
The cross overs with cruises GEOSECS_INDIAN (30°S) shows an offset of -13 (+/-4)
umol/kg, which is not coherent with the previous results.
The cross overs with cruises INDIGO1 (30°S) and INDIGO3 (56°S) show differences
of -16 (+/-4) umol/kg and -17 (+/-4) umol/kg, respectively, but INDIGO1 is known
to have high alkalinity values by about 16 umol/kg and INDIGO3 would have no
offset but alkalinity might have decreased by about 17 umol/kg. If this is taken
into account the offsets with INDIGO cruises translate into no significant
differences, which supports the analysis above.
Based on the regional analyses above I suggest no adjustment for alkalinity.
Paris, August 2008
Claire Lo Monaco
Posted by on 2008-10-08 23:59:18 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103 - tco2
OISO11: two deep profiles (at 35°S and 56°S) + 4 profiles down to 2000m
6 cross overs were analyzed (all found at 56°S). The average of all cross overs
is -1.0 (+/-3.5) umol/kg.
All cross overs but 1 show no significant differences (<4 umol/kg), and 4 of
them involve cruises that are thought to have no offset in TCO2. When the
offsets suggested for the other cruises are taken into account the average of
all cross overs is -2.4 (+/-1.7) umol/kg. This suggests that no adjustment would
be required.
The cross overs with cruises GEOSECS_INDIAN, INDIGO1 and INDIGO3 (found around
30°S and 56°S) show offsets ranging from -9.1 to -28.9 umol/kg, but all 3
cruises are known to have high TCO2 values. When the suggested offsets are taken
into account the average of the 3 cross overs is -4.6 (+/-1.2) umol/kg. This
suggests that a small adjustment could be required.
Comparison with the other OISO cruises suggests that no adjustment would be
required, whereas the comparison with historical cruises suggests that a small
adjustment could be required (about +4 umol/kg). However, lowest confidence is
given to latter result, due to the time interval between historical cruises and
Based on this I suggest no adjustment for TCO2.
Paris, August 2008
Claire Lo Monaco
Posted by on 2008-10-08 23:58:44 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
35MF20040103 - salinity
OISO11: two deep profiles (at 35°S and 56°S) + 4 profiles down to 2000m
6 cross overs were analyzed (all found at 56°S). The average of all cross overs
is +26.9 (+/-5.3) ppm.
4 cross overs show offsets ranging from +23 to +28 ppm and involve cruises that
are thought to have no significant offset in salinity. When the offsets
suggested for the other cruises are taken into account the average of all cross
overs is +27.0 (+/-2) ppm. This suggests that an adjustment could be required.
The other cross overs with cruises 74DI19940219, GEOSECS_INDIAN, INDIGO1 and
INDIGO3 (found around 30°S and 56°S) indicate a mean offset of +22.3 (+/-2.6)
ppm. This suggests that an adjustment could be required.
The comparison among OISO cruises and the comparison with other cruises agree,
but slightly different numbers are suggested: -27 ppm and -22 ppm respectively.
The latter result is preferred in order to warrant consistency between OISO and
the other cruises. Moreover, it is based on cross overs found north and south of
the Polar Front, whereas the analysis with other OISO cruises only compares
profiles south of the Polar Front (56°S).
Based on this I suggest an adjustment of -22 ppm for salinity.
Paris, August 2008
Claire Lo Monaco
Posted by on 2008-10-08 23:58:15 UTC for data product: CARINA, GLODAPv2, v2.2019, v2.2020, v2.2021, v2.2022, v2.2023
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